May 19, 2009


today I went to AC Moore and Micheals. I brought a bunch of stuff, but now i'm second guessing myself.

Maybe I'll feel better about my purchaces tomorrow. I really want my cricut. Its due on the 21st. But we'll see.


What I want my room to look like!

Here are some photos of Scrappin Cricut's craft room! She is so organized!

May 18, 2009

This is a ribbon iron! Cute isn't it? You can flatten your ribbons that have those little wrinkles in it.

AC Moore Stuff! 50% off sale!

These are some of the items that I am looking at - at AC Moores. They have a 50% coupon day tomorrow and I don't know what to get!! So here are some options

May 17, 2009


Today, we brought home Simba. She is our new doggie. I hope to have pictures soon. She's such a cutie pie!

May 15, 2009

Welcome To My House!

This is my sample post!! First one!