Nov 28, 2009

10 Questions (Creative Memories)

Fingerprints for God
I found this online at the CM site. Enjoy and I hope it helps you with your album.

Find your 10 Fingerprints
Your life is brimming with stories, and this process will help you find what we call the “fingerprints of God.” So what are these fingerprints? They are important events that may have seemed insignificant at the time, but turned out to be pivotal in setting the direction of your life. Follow the steps below to help identify your fingerprints:

Answer the 10 Questions
These questions will help you think chronologically about your life and how your faith has grown and developed. As you read each question, jot down a few thoughts on index cards or on the computer.

1.What was religion/faith like in your childhood home? Was church going or other faith-based events part of your life? Did anything memorable (good or bad) happen as a child/teen, and how did your faith in the Lord play a part in it?
2.Who most influenced your beliefs? How did family, friends, teachers, school (i.e., parents, grandparents, relatives, pastors, youth group leaders, etc) affect your beliefs?

3.How did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior? Did you have a re-dedication of your life? What other significant experiences have you had when you felt the Lord moving you closer to Him?

4.How did you see the Lord leading, protecting and guiding you through your dating experiences? If you are married, how did you meet your spouse? How has the Lord grown your faith through your marriage victories and struggles? Are you re-married? What happened? If you are single or single again? What significance does the Lord’s presence have in your life?

5.If you are a parent, or if you interact with children on a regular basis, how has your faith been affected by them? Have you adopted a child? How did the Lord lead you in that process?

6.How did you start on the path that led you to the career path you are on today? How did the Lord use circumstances, people, etc., to get you here? How has your faith affected the people with whom you work? Have you been on a mission trip? How did that affect you?

7.What faith lessons have you learned through an adversity? Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom and, by God’s grace, you bounced back? Has the Lord “bailed you out” of a mistake?

8.How has music or other forms of artistic expression influenced your faith? Do you have favorite songs or hymns? Perhaps you’ve been influenced by sacred dance, beautiful art, drama, Christian radio, certain music groups, etc. What happened to encourage or convict you?

9.What scripture verses have been especially meaningful in your life? Do you have a favorite scripture(s)? Why is this passage meaningful? How has the Lord used His word in your life?

10.How has the Lord provided for your needs or answered a specific prayer? How has He healed you or sustained (protected) you physically or emotionally?

Journal your memories
With your thoughts and photos organized, write down more detailed accounts of your faith memories and the impact they had on your life.

Look at your pictures
Now look through your photo albums to find pictures that go with each question. Your photos may spark new memories and new answers to some of the 10 Questions.

Nov 23, 2009

New Blog Look and Design

I finally have my new blog up and running. Well still a few things i'm working out, but I won't be posting here anymore but over there. Please follow me over there ok? Thanks for looking and spending time with me!

God's Blessings
Pink Ladybug Scrapper

my address is still

Nov 19, 2009

I found this link to a tri-fold card using the cricut and instructions with the scores. Here you go:

Nov 17, 2009

The Origins of Faithbooking

Where did faithbooking originate?

I've been researching the topic of Faithbooking and I believe the term "faithbooking" originated from Rhonda Anderson, co-founder of Creative Memories and co-author of Creative Memories Way. In an article, she wrote: "I began doing what I call "faithbooking" — creating a photo album specifically with the stories of miraculous moments in my life. We are in essence recording history and helping ourselves remember the memorable times God has intervened, reached out and changed our lives. Now, as my family and I look at our faithbook albums, our faith grows as never before." To read this article, visit
how do you incorporate your faith into your scrapbooking? Really, the ideas are limitless...

Church Life
Regular events at church:
•Sunday School
•Vacation Bible School
•Church Camps
•Outreach events
•Special dinners
•Dedications, Baptisms
•Your Pastor
•Your church (the building)
•Church Missionaries
•Your closest church friends?
Church Traditions
Looking at why you do these things:
•First Communion, Confirmation
•Priestly garb
•Order of Service
My Personal Faith
Recording your personal beliefs and struggles:
•How did you become a Christian? Your personal testimony
•My typical Quiet Time - how I get alone with God
•My favourite Bible passage or verse
•My favourite Bible character
•My favourite hymn or song
•My favourite spiritual book/author
•Spiritual retreats
•Ministry opportunities - What ministries are you regularly involved in?
•Your spiritual "parent" - a page about the person who led you to the Lord
•What are your spiritual gifts or talents?
•What are you thankful for?
•What are your biggest struggles in life?
•What do you hope your children will learn from your life?
•How do you see God in nature?
•Who do you pray for?
•What is your favourite Christian holiday, holy day, festival or celebration?
•Who is your "angel"?
•Your baptism
•Your life verse
Family Life
•My childhood - What was your family's spiritual gauge?
•My childhood church
•How do you keep Christ in Christmas in your family?
•How do you keep Christ in Easter in your family?
•What are your parents' testimonies?
•What are your grandparents' testimonies?
•What is your spouse's testimony?
•How did your children come to know Christ as their personal saviour?
•What other celebrations or holy days do you celebrate and how do you celebrate them?

Scrapbooking and Personal Bible Study
You can use your scrapbooking as a way to enhance your own personal Bible study by creating an album about what you are learning. Here are some ideas:
•The Attributes of God
•ABC Bible story/character book (This is really good to do with kids! A is for Adam, D is for Daniel, and so on.)
•The Fruit of the Spirit
•ABC Bible Verses (Select a word that comes to mind for each letter and use a corresponding Bible verse.)
•Proverbs 31

Faithbooking 101

The Origins of Faithbooking

Where did faithbooking originate?

I've been researching the topic of Faithbooking and I believe the term "faithbooking" originated from Rhonda Anderson, co-founder of Creative Memories and co-author of Creative Memories Way. In an article, she wrote: "I began doing what I call "faithbooking" — creating a photo album specifically with the stories of miraculous moments in my life. We are in essence recording history and helping ourselves remember the memorable times God has intervened, reached out and changed our lives. Now, as my family and I look at our faithbook albums, our faith grows as never before." To read this article, visit
how do you incorporate your faith into your scrapbooking? Really, the ideas are limitless...

Church Life
Regular events at church:
•Sunday School
•Vacation Bible School
•Church Camps
•Outreach events
•Special dinners
•Dedications, Baptisms
•Your Pastor
•Your church (the building)
•Church Missionaries
•Your closest church friends?
Church Traditions
Looking at why you do these things:
•First Communion, Confirmation
•Priestly garb
•Order of Service
My Personal Faith
Recording your personal beliefs and struggles:
•How did you become a Christian? Your personal testimony
•My typical Quiet Time - how I get alone with God
•My favourite Bible passage or verse
•My favourite Bible character
•My favourite hymn or song
•My favourite spiritual book/author
•Spiritual retreats
•Ministry opportunities - What ministries are you regularly involved in?
•Your spiritual "parent" - a page about the person who led you to the Lord
•What are your spiritual gifts or talents?
•What are you thankful for?
•What are your biggest struggles in life?
•What do you hope your children will learn from your life?
•How do you see God in nature?
•Who do you pray for?
•What is your favourite Christian holiday, holy day, festival or celebration?
•Who is your "angel"?
•Your baptism
•Your life verse
Family Life
•My childhood - What was your family's spiritual gauge?
•My childhood church
•How do you keep Christ in Christmas in your family?
•How do you keep Christ in Easter in your family?
•What are your parents' testimonies?
•What are your grandparents' testimonies?
•What is your spouse's testimony?
•How did your children come to know Christ as their personal saviour?
•What other celebrations or holy days do you celebrate and how do you celebrate them?

Scrapbooking and Personal Bible Study
You can use your scrapbooking as a way to enhance your own personal Bible study by creating an album about what you are learning. Here are some ideas:
•The Attributes of God
•ABC Bible story/character book (This is really good to do with kids! A is for Adam, D is for Daniel, and so on.)
•The Fruit of the Spirit
•ABC Bible Verses (Select a word that comes to mind for each letter and use a corresponding Bible verse.)
•Proverbs 31

Nov 14, 2009

Mickey & Friends Scrapbook

Ok, I'm in the process of trying to put together a scrapbook for my niece. She just got back home from Disney and is so exicted! So I am gathering some ideas for her layouts here. Take a look, you may need them one day too!

Here are some helpful links I found online at a Disney thread:

The ABC's of Disney: For those interested in doing an ABC scrapbook or anything else..

Kitting pages together:
Handmade paper Piecings via computer:

**Make your OWN glue dots:
Die Cut Layering:
Shaker Boxes:
Slide Mounts:
Paper Piecings:

PROJECTS (instructions included):
Altered ClipBoards:
Paper Bag Album:
Exploding Box:
Star Mini-Book:

God given dreams

Today’s Verse: “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure” (Proverbs 16:9, AMP).

Today’s Word:

Oftentimes as children, we have dreams of the future. Dreams of being ball players and actresses, super heroes, and firemen. But most of the time, they end up just being wishful thinking. As we get older, we grow out of them. It’s good to play and have dreams as children, but when we grow up, we have to know the difference between a God-given dream and a wish. I remember when I was a little boy, I dreamed of playing basketball for the Houston Rockets. That was definitely a fantasy!

But we all have dreams placed inside of us by the Creator of the Universe. In fact, the Latin word for “desire” means “from the Father.” You can tell if a dream is really from God if that desire won’t go away. You may have had it for years, and you still can’t let it go. In fact, you may have tried to let it go, but it won’t let go of you.

I encourage you to search your heart today and allow those God-given dreams to surface. He placed those desires inside of you for a purpose, and He’s going to use them to direct you into the destiny He has in store for you!

Prayer for Today: Father in heaven, thank You for the dreams and desires You’ve placed within me. I submit those dreams to You and ask that You direct my steps. Search my heart and make my thoughts agreeable to Your Word and to Your plan. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I found this online. It's so timly for my situation.

Nov 13, 2009

Mickey Scrapbooking

Ok, I'm in the process of trying to put together a scrapbook for my niece. She just got back home from Disney and is so exicted! So I am gathering some ideas for her layouts here. Take a look, you may need them one day too!

Here are some helpful links I found online at a Disney thread:

The ABC's of Disney: For those interested in doing an ABC scrapbook or anything else..

Kitting pages together:
Handmade paper Piecings via computer:

**Make your OWN glue dots:
Die Cut Layering:
Shaker Boxes:
Slide Mounts:
Paper Piecings:

PROJECTS (instructions included):
Altered ClipBoards:
Paper Bag Album:
Exploding Box:
Star Mini-Book:

Nov 11, 2009

More Notes On Faithbooking

More on Faithbooking

I have been doing some researching trying to learn more about faithbooking. I have ran across several sites expressing their opinion on what faithbooking is and is not. Here is what I found:

*A means to express our faith. A journey of faith
*Ability to capture life's lessons that God teaches us.
*To remember God's faithfullness and presence in our daily lives.
*An eternal legacy for our children
*A witnessing tool
*An incredible, permanent reminder of our God Moments and His hand in our lives.
*Obedience to God’s command to remember what he has done for us. (Ps. 78:4)
*Scripture, Thoughts, Prayers, Blessings, Memories, Letters and Stories combined with our photographs to always remember our personal, spiritual journey with the Lord.

Many of the above were found at

What is Faithbooking?

Faithbooking is making an intentional effort in recording what the Lord is working out and actively doing in your life and the lives of those around you - in your scrapbooking albums.

Nov 9, 2009

More goodie Bags!

I want to do these kinds of goodie bags too:


Freezer T-Shirt Instructions



Tote or T-Shirt
Iron – Mine is set on cotton setting
Tulip Fabric Paint
Freezer Paper – Found at Walmart near foil
Paint Brushs
Cricut – To cut out Stencil

1. Wash you tote/t-shirt and dry.

2. Iron out your tote/t-shirt so there are no creases where your image is going.

3. Select the image you want, size that you want, and cut in the middle of your freezer paper using your cricut. Make sure your FLIP button is on and the shinny side of the paper is up.

4. Take you stencil off your mat. Flip stencil over so shinny side is on tote/t—shirt.

5. Iron stencil on until all edges are secure to prevent paint leaking underneath. Make sure to add your little details that were cut out of your image. (strawberry seeds, eyes, etc, and iron them on too.)

6. Place an extra sheet of freezer paper or cardboard inside the shirt so that no paint leaks through. I DID NOT do this with the tote bag as the material was thick but you can.

7. Pour paint on brush or plate and paint. Let it dry at least 4 hours before applying a second coat.

8. When tote/t-shirt is all done let it sit for 72 hours.

9. After 72 hours wash inside out and dry. If it needs to be ironed I ironed mine while inside out.

Nov 8, 2009

Sisters Forever! Cheerleading 101

These are my Jewels! These pics wer taken at the cheerleading competition at James Monroe High School. They had such a great time! It really was quite fun.

Nov 7, 2009

Fingerprints To God

fingerprints for God
I found this online at the CM site. Enjoy and I hope it helps you with your album.

Find your 10 Fingerprints
Your life is brimming with stories, and this process will help you find what we call the “fingerprints of God.” So what are these fingerprints? They are important events that may have seemed insignificant at the time, but turned out to be pivotal in setting the direction of your life. Follow the steps below to help identify your fingerprints:

Answer the 10 Questions
These questions will help you think chronologically about your life and how your faith has grown and developed. As you read each question, jot down a few thoughts on index cards or on the computer.
1.What was religion/faith like in your childhood home? Was church going or other faith-based events part of your life? Did anything memorable (good or bad) happen as a child/teen, and how did your faith in the Lord play a part in it?
2.Who most influenced your beliefs? How did family, friends, teachers, school (i.e., parents, grandparents, relatives, pastors, youth group leaders, etc) affect your beliefs?
3.How did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior? Did you have a re-dedication of your life? What other significant experiences have you had when you felt the Lord moving you closer to Him?
4.How did you see the Lord leading, protecting and guiding you through your dating experiences? If you are married, how did you meet your spouse? How has the Lord grown your faith through your marriage victories and struggles? Are you re-married? What happened? If you are single or single again? What significance does the Lord’s presence have in your life?
5.If you are a parent, or if you interact with children on a regular basis, how has your faith been affected by them? Have you adopted a child? How did the Lord lead you in that process?
6.How did you start on the path that led you to the career path you are on today? How did the Lord use circumstances, people, etc., to get you here? How has your faith affected the people with whom you work? Have you been on a mission trip? How did that affect you?
7.What faith lessons have you learned through an adversity? Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom and, by God’s grace, you bounced back? Has the Lord “bailed you out” of a mistake?
8.How has music or other forms of artistic expression influenced your faith? Do you have favorite songs or hymns? Perhaps you’ve been influenced by sacred dance, beautiful art, drama, Christian radio, certain music groups, etc. What happened to encourage or convict you?
9.What scripture verses have been especially meaningful in your life? Do you have a favorite scripture(s)? Why is this passage meaningful? How has the Lord used His word in your life?
10.How has the Lord provided for your needs or answered a specific prayer? How has He healed you or sustained (protected) you physically or emotionally?

Journal your memories
With your thoughts and photos organized, write down more detailed accounts of your faith memories and the impact they had on your life.

Look at your pictures
Now look through your photo albums to find pictures that go with each question. Your photos may spark new memories and new answers to some of the 10 Questions.

When you have completed these steps, click Choose Your Album Style on the right navigation bar.

Doesn't this look delish!!

So, I guess I'm kinda hungry right now. We just got back from Cheerleading Competition. My girls (Caroline High School) came in 5th. You had to place 1-4th!! Aaaah! We just missed it! Like I was actually cheering! But I was! I was on the sideline.

Anyway, I'm off to find a recipe for these beautiful cookies. Thanksgiving is coming up and I want to make sure all my recipes are in order. Gosh they look great!

Nov 5, 2009

Hot Cocoa Sweet Treats

I found these online at one of the Cricut MB members websites. It was such a cute Idea. I'd love to do this one day for my marriage ministry. Be blessed everyone!

Nov 4, 2009

My first try!!

This is my first try at a tag. I made it big so I could get my thoughts together. But anyway here it is.... Hope you like it! :O)

Freedom of the Seas

Here is the ship that we will be on in about 30+- a few days! I can't wait! We've been waiting for so long to go on this trip!

Bon Voyage!!

Yummy Goodie Bags!!

Goodie bags! I love goodie bags. I found these online and I can't wait to try them. Aren't they cute.

How To: Goodie Bag

I found this on onlie, but the tutorial is in the link. I love this goodie bag. I think I'm going to try and make it for our marriage ministry next Friday.

A Cute Treat Box

Materials: Tape, adhesive of your choice, sucker stick, ribbon, and any paper shapes that you want to use (A scalloped punch was used here + a smaller circle punch, and a number "1" punch).

Using adhesive, I stuck the "1" onto the small circle and then I stuck those onto the scalloped circle.

With a small piece of tape I taped the sucker stick to the back of the scalloped circle.

Then I tied a ribbon on the bottom. Easy Peasy. Now go find a cupcake.

Tying A Ribbon Pt. I

How to tie ribbion

I got this tutorial from Hooked on Stamps. I wanted to know the correct way of doing this and I'm so grateful! Hope this helps you too!
Tutorial: Tying Ribbon Knots
Ribbon Knots are a fast, simple and easy way to add some pizzazz to a card or scrapbook layout. One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, “How do you make that knot look so pretty?” Let’s take a look and see…

Tip: Working with the ribbon attached to the spool allows you to adjust the length of the ribbon as needed and then cut it when you’re done. This will save you ribbon in the long run!

Take the ribbon and wrap it around your finger. When you bring the ribbon to the front, cross it up and to the left making an “x” at the front.

Gently move the ribbon forward on your finger, leaving the circle of ribbon that it formed intact. Using your thumb, push the ribbon tail through that circle. Notice how I’ve folded the ribbon as it’s gone into the circle. This will give you a nice clean edge later on.

Now, you can grab the tail that’s free on the right side and gently pull, tightening the knot. As you pull the tail, you can guide the knot to where you want it, positioning it before you tighten the knot fully.

Here’s the finished ribbon knot.

Let’s see what the ribbon knot looks like from side. You can see that the front of the knot (at the bottom of the photo) is completely flat. The back of the knot has some dimension to it. I try to make this as flat as possible by not pulling too tightly on the knot.

Here’s what the back of the ribbon knot looks like.

I love grosgrain ribbon. It has a very distinct look. It’s a woven ribbon which can at times present a challenge, in that the ends of the ribbon tend to fray. With grosgrain ribbon, if you end up with a tiny hanging thread, and it gets pulled, your ribbon can start unraveling! Yikes! We wouldn’t want that to happen.

To prevent grosgrain ribbon from fraying, apply a tiny drop of Liquid Glass to the backside of the ribbon. Spread the Liquid Glass across the end. Allow the Liquid Glass to dry completely. Trim off any hanging threads or cut through the center of where the Liquid Glass was applied to have a completely sealed end.

Now to adhere the ribbon to the card! Liquid Glass yet again. I put on a liberal amount of Liquid Glass, then positioned the ribbon and press it down firmly to flatten out the backside of the knot and get the Liquid Glass up into the knot. I hold it in position for a minute or so.

Tip: You can place a book or acrylic block on top of the ribbon to hold it firmly in place while it dries completely.

And….voila….the finished card.

How to Tie a Ribbon Part I

How to Tie A Ribbon: Part II
Found this awesome tutorial on How to tie a ribbon! Hope it helps someone!

You will need a ribbon and hole puncher

2. Punch 2 wholes side by side in your project.

Then put the ribbon through each of the holes

4. Turn your project over on the back and tie the ribbon.

5. pull the ribbon back trhough the same holes to the front of the project.

6. Pull the ribbon to each side FLAT!

7. Take your scissors and trim off the ends of the ribbon.

Only 7 More days!

I'll be on my way to the caribbean in less then 8 days and I can't wait. Here's a pic. of my ship!

Here is the ship! I can't wait! We've been waiting for so long to go on this trip!

Bon Voyage!!

This is my newest project. A Thanksgiving card. I think it came out kinda well. I wish I could take better pictures. But that's ok for now.

Nov 3, 2009

Some of my Projects:

These are some of hte things I've been working on. Hope you like. The last two shots are a layout I'm doing for our vacation.

Some Great Ideas found online!