Nov 17, 2009

Faithbooking 101

The Origins of Faithbooking

Where did faithbooking originate?

I've been researching the topic of Faithbooking and I believe the term "faithbooking" originated from Rhonda Anderson, co-founder of Creative Memories and co-author of Creative Memories Way. In an article, she wrote: "I began doing what I call "faithbooking" — creating a photo album specifically with the stories of miraculous moments in my life. We are in essence recording history and helping ourselves remember the memorable times God has intervened, reached out and changed our lives. Now, as my family and I look at our faithbook albums, our faith grows as never before." To read this article, visit
how do you incorporate your faith into your scrapbooking? Really, the ideas are limitless...

Church Life
Regular events at church:
•Sunday School
•Vacation Bible School
•Church Camps
•Outreach events
•Special dinners
•Dedications, Baptisms
•Your Pastor
•Your church (the building)
•Church Missionaries
•Your closest church friends?
Church Traditions
Looking at why you do these things:
•First Communion, Confirmation
•Priestly garb
•Order of Service
My Personal Faith
Recording your personal beliefs and struggles:
•How did you become a Christian? Your personal testimony
•My typical Quiet Time - how I get alone with God
•My favourite Bible passage or verse
•My favourite Bible character
•My favourite hymn or song
•My favourite spiritual book/author
•Spiritual retreats
•Ministry opportunities - What ministries are you regularly involved in?
•Your spiritual "parent" - a page about the person who led you to the Lord
•What are your spiritual gifts or talents?
•What are you thankful for?
•What are your biggest struggles in life?
•What do you hope your children will learn from your life?
•How do you see God in nature?
•Who do you pray for?
•What is your favourite Christian holiday, holy day, festival or celebration?
•Who is your "angel"?
•Your baptism
•Your life verse
Family Life
•My childhood - What was your family's spiritual gauge?
•My childhood church
•How do you keep Christ in Christmas in your family?
•How do you keep Christ in Easter in your family?
•What are your parents' testimonies?
•What are your grandparents' testimonies?
•What is your spouse's testimony?
•How did your children come to know Christ as their personal saviour?
•What other celebrations or holy days do you celebrate and how do you celebrate them?

Scrapbooking and Personal Bible Study
You can use your scrapbooking as a way to enhance your own personal Bible study by creating an album about what you are learning. Here are some ideas:
•The Attributes of God
•ABC Bible story/character book (This is really good to do with kids! A is for Adam, D is for Daniel, and so on.)
•The Fruit of the Spirit
•ABC Bible Verses (Select a word that comes to mind for each letter and use a corresponding Bible verse.)
•Proverbs 31

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